This is the most accurate Harry Potter world created for Sims 3. Strictly based on the architecture of Hogwarts of Harry Potter books, games and movies. Strictly based on the architecture of Hogwarts of Harry Potter books, games and movies. The Wizarding World of Harry Potter™ Step inside a world where magic is real. Within Universal’s Islands of Adventure™ theme park you can visit the iconic Hogwarts™ castle and explore Hogsmeade™ village. And, at Universal Studios Florida™ theme park, you can enter Diagon Alley™ to enjoy a multi-dimensional thrill ride, magical experiences. Hogwarts Wizarding World created by Sims3 user. New links available for download on page 7. New links available for download on page 7. New links available for download on page 7. With a Park-to-Park Ticket, Annual Pass or Seasonal Pass you can board the Hogwarts™ Express*. Travel between both lands of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter™: Diagon Alley™ in Universal Studios Florida™ and Hogsmeade™ in Universal’s Islands of Adventure™. Now accepting Universal Express™ Pass. Additional restrictions apply. Hogwarts is Here (HiH) is the wizarding world's favorite social network created by fans - for fans. Create a character and immerse yourself at Hogwarts and the Harry. ****RELEASE Version **** - Hogwarts Wizarding World- Available. Wizarding World. A stunning view. I cant wait untill my sims can move into the castle.
[IMG] 'width=640'[/IMG]
Above is a map/guide for the world - Click here for full size version:
Here are the Release Versions of My world & the save....
World File: [url] Wizarding World.Sims3Pack[/url]
Save File:
You MUST have the custom rabbit holes by Jynx if you wish to use the rabbitholes(thanks Jynx!)
located here:
Hogwart's Wizarding World - based of the beloved series.
Within the world you will be transported to a far away place, full of magical creatures and locations. From the Gates of Hogwarts, to the Shriekings Shack, explore all sorts of familiar, and new locations.
What mysteries will the world hold?
Off in the distance one can see a secluded dark tower, but no means of entry. Deep in the Forbidden forest lay a secret known by very few, and protected by dark magic...
The lands around Hogsmeade carry around their own secrets too. In the hundreds of years it has existed, there have risen many mysterious stories. Explore the marvelous parks dedicated to the feats and achievements of many a great wizard, and who knows what may be lurking around.
Hogwarts lay ready to explore, with some familar and some new locations within its grounds. Visit Hagrids Hut & The quidditch ptich... or if you care to, tour the halls of the ancient school, see what type of mischief... or adventures you can find!
The Linked save file is not super complex but includes the following families:
The Weaslies (With Hermonie & Harry residing with)
The Weaslies - Bill and Fleur
The Lupins - Tonks and Remus
The Malfoy's - Father Mother & Son, thanks Ashleigh for the characters.....
Here are some pics from ingame:
Lot Count:
17 empty residential lots - 4 legacy size lots
4 starter homes
11 Deluxe homes (Including Malfoy Manor & The Burrow)
53 Community Lots (Including parks, businesses & more)
****Important testing notes****
There will undoubtedly be be bugs :P
When finding a tomb - treasure spawners do not spawn initially for up to 3 game days
Rabbit Holes: all Rabbit holes are included, but if you are not familiar with custom rabbit holes, you have to enter the building then click on the carpet to interact. They should all be working correctly now!
IF you find any bugs you can reply to this thread or message me, thanks!
*** Last word, please be kind, this is my first world upload ever :P ***

The Sims Hogwarts

The Wizarding World Online
- edited March 2014This is the most accurate Harry Potter world created for Sims 3. Strictly based on the architecture of Hogwarts of Harry Potter books, games and movies.
Who wants to play it, I advise to use the same version of Sims 3 game I used (1.42.130) + the two expansion packs I needed to this: World Adventures + Seasons Pack.
I tried to create as many spaces as possible. So, you can find, outside, Hogwarts grounds, the Quidditch Pitch, Owlery, Hagrid's Hut!
Hogwarts Grounds
Entrance Courtyard
Clock Tower Courtyartd
Quidditch Pitch
Hagrid's Hut
Stone Circle
Inside the castle, were created all the most emblematic spaces that exist at Hogwarts, such as the Great Hall, Grand Staircase, Dumbledore's and Umbridge's Office, Gryffindor and Slytherin Common Room, Hospital Wing, Charms, Potions, DADA, Herbology and Transfiguration Classroom, Prefects and Myrtle's Bathroom, Portrait Gallery!
Great Hall
Grand Staircase
Transfiguration Classroom
Gryffindor Common Room
Myrtle's Bathroom
Portrait Gallery
Dumbledore's Office
Slytherin Common Room
Prefects' Bathroom
Charms Classroom
And also the Chamber of Secrets!
Yes, Hogsmeade Village is algo available, so, you are welcome to visit Three Bromsticks, Zonko’s and HoneyDuke’s and much more!!
Hogsmeade Village
Three Broomsticks
Shrieking Shack
Zonko’s and HoneyDuke’s
Residential Area
Market Place
watch this in
[url][/url]6 - edited March 2014This looks awesome! Is it CC free? Did you use any store items? and if so which ones?
- edited March 2014This looks awesome! Is it CC free? Did you use any store items? and if so which ones?
Yes, this is totally free! You don't need any store items, because many of the custom items are new meshes made by me. For example the portraits in Grand Staircase are REALLY Hogwarts Portraits, converted from PS2 Harry Potter and Order of the Phoenix game! Some meshes were converted to TS3 from Yolartut conversions, like Hogwarts lights.
watch this - edited March 2014Hi hogwartsarchitet!
Your work is great, just to say, these new meshes 'made by you' and those convertions etc are what CC is (custom conten) so your world is not CC free, it is store (EA extra items) free but this is not what has everybody frightenned of, it is CC 'made by you' with third party tools and ressources what people don´t trust.
I can play at last TS2 TS3 and TS4 So great that toddlers are here!!! - edited March 2014Hi EswenRaedself!
I was not meaning anything against CC, it is well known I am personally great fan of CC, better free CC than tons of store items I do not have and don´t want to buy spending hundreds of Euros for EA, or the items will be replaced in the EA way (everybody knows the way EA replacements go).
I use plenty of CC and mods, in package format, in sims3pack format, in my worlds in my buildings etc, and never had any issue uploading exporting installing or playing that was due to the CC (virtual memory problems, updating issues... but once these were fixed I went on with the CC still installed)
Just one time long ago with a pair of high boots and one Tshirt missasigned for all sims that were very difficult to uninstall (I found them and deleted) and used to be selected by EA for the new borns (where the choices are very few and the ramdom EA uses gave them more than 60% of probability) giving them a monstruous appearance.
But people with virtual memory problems just see that with the CC (CC uses at times a great deal of memory to render and transferr) they have a problem and if they delete it, the problem disappears and they think it is the CC which gives the problem and not that it is the virtual memory, so when the game crushes on them they don´t know what happened...
I can play at last TS2 TS3 and TS4 So great that toddlers are here!!! - edited April 2014Yes, I know, my Harry Potter world for Sims 3 had lots of errors and problems. Now, I fixed them all, Hogsmeade Village is now complete!!,
with shops like Zonko's and HoneyDukes with interiors (not only the facade). In Hogsmeade you can work in some lots like the Ministery of Magic (city hall), Burgin an Burkes or St. Mungus Hospital. Now you can really live in Hogsmeade Village!!!
This is what you can find in Hogsmeade of 'Hogwarts Forever':
D... H... a nectary- Three Broomsticks and Madam Puddifoot's tea store.
G... a small shop- HoneyDukes where you can buy any thing you want.
G... L... a relics store- Zonko's where you can buy relics from all over the world.
G... L... a elixir store- Burgin and Burkes, where you can buy ingredients for your potions (if you have Supernatural)
I... a city hall- Ministery of Magic
E... a hospital- St Mungus Hospital
J... a big market- in this Market, with a lot of tents where your sims can have fun!
In Hogwarts Castle I've fixed too the accessibilities among the diverse spaces: now it's really easy walk on the castle and live inside it!
The Hogwarts Castle is divided by the different needs:
H...the residencial area is the Grand Staircase, where are the common rooms, hospital wing and Prefect's Bathroom. You can live also in Hagrid's Hut!!
F...the kithen and dining room is the Great Hall, where you can cook at the kitchens and eat in the Great Hall.
J...the 'living room' is the Classrooms Area, where you can learn all the skills - if you have Supernatural expansion pack, of course you can learn magic in Charms, Transfiguration and Potions Classrooms, and create magic plants in Herbology GreenHouses. And attention!! Here is also the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets! Can you find it?
E...a music space in the Clock Tower, where are the school choir practice
B...a sports area in the Quidditch Picth, where you can practice flying on broom. (with Supernatural)
G...a fishing zone in the BoatHouse
You can also visit the graveyard, where Dumbledore lies and the Hogwarts' Gates, where Filch hid some Muggle objects
To download this world you need Sims 3 World Adventures + Seasons Pack.
IF YOU PREFER, you can choose a second version of Hogwarts Forever for Supernatural + World Adventures + Seasons. Of course this is a most complete way to enjoy this Harry Potter world: in this versions, lots of magical objects were added to all lots!!2 - edited April 2014Include also a lot of Hogwarts Portraits, converted from Order of the Phoenix PS2 game!
- edited April 2014Absolutely gorgeous!!! Reminds me so much of my old PC game
I have a question though: I like to take photos of my Sims - would it be alright if I took some photos of them in this world? You would be credited of course. - edited April 2014Absolutely gorgeous!!! Reminds me so much of my old PC game
I have a question though: I like to take photos of my Sims - would it be alright if I took some photos of them in this world? You would be credited of course.
Thank you! Of course you can use my world as scenery for your sims. That's it, I love to feel that harry potter universe is still so alive! - edited April 2014Alive and kicking, especially with the new movies coming out
I look forward to taking pictures in this beautiful world!
However, I'm unfortunately having a few issues - it crashes when I try to go into edit town to place my sims in, or when I try to save the game. I currently have all EP (+ Dragon Valley, Midnight Hollow, and Monta Vista), and my game is up to date (Patch 1.67.2 ) so I'm not sure if it's my patch or the extra EPs that are the issues, or if it's something else :S - edited April 2014Looks amazing! your attention to detail is great!
Will be downloading for sure. How much do you have left to go? - edited April 2014Alive and kicking, especially with the new movies coming out
I look forward to taking pictures in this beautiful world!
However, I'm unfortunately having a few issues - it crashes when I try to go into edit town to place my sims in, or when I try to save the game. I currently have all EP (+ Dragon Valley, Midnight Hollow, and Monta Vista), and my game is up to date (Patch 1.67.2 ) so I'm not sure if it's my patch or the extra EPs that are the issues, or if it's something else :S
It's really strange you cannot edit the town... I had installed three expansion packs (world adventures, seasons, supernatural). My version was 1.50.56 (the same of university life - a bit old, I know). Could be this? - edited April 2014I extracted all the install files into packages. I am left with a package folder with well over 100 packages and with the save folder.
This was the entire download from mediafire, the one including supernatural.
I believe there needs to be a world file, am I wrong? Hoping for a response by one of our experts
Thank you in advance.
sharonxyz - edited April 2014Hi sharonxyz!
I have not downloaded this world but reading the creator instructions from his blog, you should have a .sims3pack file with the name of the world, that you have to place in the sims3/downloads folder; (this will be the bigest one)
Then you place all the package files in your sims3/mod/package/... folder, or if you don´t have one coppy/past the one that the creator has suministrated 'all in one' sims3/mod/...
Then the save folder (all in one) should go into the sims3/saves/... folder;
Now go to the launcher downloads tab and you will find the world to install. Once you have installed the world, you can play both the save you have downloaded or start a new one from the worlds tab.
Hope it helps, happy simming
BTW Great work hogwartsarchitet, though I don´t play Harry Potter games this looks a very nice one!
I can play at last TS2 TS3 and TS4 So great that toddlers are here!!! - edited April 2014Hi Junceda!
The pictures and video are beautiful, and that is why I downloaded both versions to try to find a world file...but sadly, no file is over a few kbs and none have the name of the world.
If anyone knows where the world file is, I'd like to know!
Thank you in advance
just a note: I used Delphy's package extractor and honestly, all files are cc. I can put the file of them in my mods folder, but I'd only use the launcher to install a world file and there is none to be found. Seriously, if anyone can prove me wrong, I welcome the correction. - edited April 2014Hi sharonxyz
I´ve downloaded the mediafire versión, trying to help you (I have not a box acount)
this is what I found
inside the downloads folder I found this
Can you see the world sims3pack framed in black at the top of the list?
this is the world file, all the other files are CC you should install also if you want the world as the creator made it, though I think that if these ítems are in the world they will be installed with it.
Then there is the mod folder, I told you earlier what to do with it...
The same about the saves folder, open it and take the save folder that is inside to your own saves folder in your game.
My rar program is in spanish but it is easy to identify everything in the images I think, if this does not help you I don´t know what more to say...
Good luck
I can play at last TS2 TS3 and TS4 So great that toddlers are here!!! - edited May 2014You've got a couple of key spelling errors that I just noticed, and I'm sorry this is the first I've seen of this project, so I apologize if my corrections come too late to be of any service. Nevertheless, in the interest of accuracy:
It's St. Mungo's, not St. Mungus. The full name of the hospital is St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries.
It's Borgin & Burkes, not Burgin and Burkes. - edited May 2014I believe that may be the issue - maybe an updated patch version will work?
- edited June 2014I am having the same exact problem as FurryFur7 - has someone found a fix for this issue? Your world is just incredible- too good not to explore.
- edited July 2014I want to play this so bad, but it just crashes when I try to do anything. If I enter any of the areas in Hogwarts it crashes, if I try to edit the town it crashes, if I try to just play the game like normal it's a really great world and I would absolutely love to play since I'm a huge Harry Potter fan. Too bad I didn't discover it earlier.
- edited July 2014Great work !
I really like the atmosphere of your surroundings and monumental buildings.0 - edited August 2014Oh this is just wonderul, and gorgeous, and my sims life is now complete!
- It doesn't work by me because when i download it i get this as a rar file but than i cannot do anything else with the file
- are you allowed to download it? because I cant figure out how. can someone please help me
- edited January 2015@gammergirl0221
I found this on his blog. It's the download. The blog is linked on the first page.
OR you can use