Download Pokemon GB GBC GBA NDS Hack Tools for free. Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald. Pokemon ROM Hack Tools. Home; List of Pokemon Hack Tools. Pokemon Log is the only website on internet from where Pokemon rom hacks can be downloaded. You can also get GBA Hacks, GBC and RMXP Roms for free. Get Free Pokemon cheats for GBA,GBC and emulators for playing pokemon rom hacks.
So today I was noticing a disturbing lack of completed pokemon hacks. Especially the ones that look really cool (Violet Purple). Its pretty disheartening going through pages of forums seeing the creator go 'It will get done' and 'Quitting is not an option' to 'Its still alive, but we have other priorities, so we are taking a hiatus, note THIS IS NOT DEAD' and then not post for a few years. So it is my goal with this post to help compile some of the better hacks that are COMPLETE. So please comment here roms that are complete. You don't have to link because Google is easy enough. It was heart breaking to see Sterling Silver; Cry of Celebi just faze away after 16 pages of build up.
tl;dr We need more completed hacks. Here is list
Here are some I've found: ShinyGold Pokemon Fuligin Pokemon Gold
NOTE: If there are some that I posted that are in fact, incomplete, please tell me more details
Liquid Crystal looks promising. the last update was December, so hopefully it will be released in its final form soon. Other then that, I'm not sure. Also please post GOOD roms. I know that's subjective, but I think we can all agree that a palette swap or a hack with exclusively fakemon's, and the same map, are not that fun to play. Anyways, thanks for posting here, and I hope to see the list grow
Pokemon Ruby Rom Hack List
So today I was noticing a disturbing lack of completed pokemon hacks. Especially the ones that look really cool (Violet Purple). Its pretty disheartening going through pages of forums seeing the creator go 'It will get done' and 'Quitting is not an option' to 'Its still alive, but we have other priorities, so we are taking a hiatus, note THIS IS NOT DEAD' and then not post for a few years. So it is my goal with this post to help compile some of the better hacks that are COMPLETE. So please comment here roms that are complete. You don't have to link because Google is easy enough. It was heart breaking to see Sterling Silver; Cry of Celebi just faze away after 16 pages of build up.
tl;dr We need more completed hacks. Here is list
Here are some I've found: ShinyGold Pokemon Fuligin Pokemon Gold
NOTE: If there are some that I posted that are in fact, incomplete, please tell me more details

Pokemon Mega Ruby Rom Hack
Liquid Crystal looks promising. the last update was December, so hopefully it will be released in its final form soon. Other then that, I'm not sure. Also please post GOOD roms. I know that's subjective, but I think we can all agree that a palette swap or a hack with exclusively fakemon's, and the same map, are not that fun to play. Anyways, thanks for posting here, and I hope to see the list grow