Diamond Audio Technology Driver Emc2.0-usb

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  1. While taking care to modernize software and drivers for diamond audio model emc 2.0 is without a doubt necessary, you need not ignore all of those other drivers, that your devices depend upon for the ideal functionality of your laptop.
  2. Find great deals for Diamond Audio Technology Computer Speakers Model Emc2.0 USB. Shop with confidence on eBay!
edited November 2011 in Science & Tech
Diamond Audio Technology Driver Emc2.0-usb

Cannot hear sound from Diamond Audio Technology speakers UMC2.0. Is there a driver I can download for these speakers to use on a machine other than. I'm using an Emachines-E3026 and my speakers are from Diamond Audio Techonolgy INC/model-EMC2.0-USB. You need to make sure the computer's audio drivers are.

Model for my speaker EMC2.0-USB
Im new but i formatted pc and now my speakers wont play sound so can someone help me the picture of what my devices for my sound are below and I did not get cd with the speaker because the speaker came with my emachine computer and the disk i used to restore my files only could go 26/58
Please dont yell at me if this is the wrong section


Diamond Audio Technology Amp

Diamond Audio Technology Driver Emc2.0-usb

Diamond Audio Technology Driver

  • edited October 2007
    First off, your speakers don't need drivers. Your sound device does, and luckily, most of them are easy to find on the internet.
    If the sound is integrated into the motherboard, then it would be included with your motherboard drivers. ave you installed your motherboard drivers since reformatting?
    If your speakers are plugged into a sound card, then you need the drivers for the sound card instead. They should have come on a disk with the card, and if not, they can usually be found on the manufacturers web site.
  • edited October 2007
    Usually last time i formatted i used my operating system disc and it already had the sound in it but now the cd only goes up to 26/58 so i dont know what to do now >.> i usually dont mess around with my sound but my sound comes with the motherboard but dang i dont know what to do sorry if im confused usually this dont happen
  • edited October 2007
    I'm assuming you have a prefab system. What's the brand and model number? We'll use that to find the drivers you need.
  • edited October 2007
    what under my speak?
    Model EMC2.0-USB
    by Diamond audio technology Inc.
    Serial No.:5375U6401644243
  • edited October 2007
    No. The speakers have nothing to do with it. A speaker is just a transducer that turns an electromagnetic signal into soundwaves. It does this completely mechanically, and requires no software to complete its task.
    The driver is needed for the PC sound device (which the speakers plug into, and which creates the signal that the speakers need to operate). You told me that the sound device is integrated, so I need to know the brand and model of the computer itself, so I can help you find the mobo drivers for it.
  • edited October 2007
    so you need the general of my computer? Or I dunno but here what it shows
    And When i click sounds and sound and audio devices properties it says no audio device
  • edited October 2007
    That shows me that it's an eMachines system. Do you know the model number? It should be written on the case somewhere, or on the paperwork.
    It would be something like 'eMachines T3626' or 'eMachines W3622'.
  • edited October 2007
  • edited October 2007
    Go here
    That will take you to the support page for your computer.
    Click the + next to 'Downloads' to show the available drivers.
    I want you to download and run:
    Intel Chipset Driver
    Sigmatel Audio Driver

    and for good measure (since you proly haven't installed a video driver yet):
    Intel Video Driver
    Restart your system after each install, and report back when you've finished with those to let us know if it helped.
  • edited October 2007
  • edited October 2007
    Sorry for double posting IM SO DUMB i forgot to install the device in device manger and can and moderator or admin lock this please and thank you
  • edited October 2007
    No need to lock the thread, we'll leave it open in case someone else wants to discuss a similar issue.
    I'm glad you figured out your issue, and I hope you stick around for awhile
  • edited December 2007
    hello cb droege! this is princevelmore Im just a new member here. I ahve this big problem because after i re-installed my windows xp pro with service pack 2, the sound is no longer existing..no more sound devices...unfortunately, i dont have any installers for the sound device, even my media player 11 isn't working...thenk you so much..i hope you can help me
  • edited December 2007
    Is thic a Prefab PC? If so, what model?
    What MoBo? Are you using a soundcard?
  • edited August 2008
    could use some help guys. Im having pretty much the same problem but what you had the other guy do didnt work for me. My computer's sound is gone. My speakers are plugged in (blue light is on) but im not getting anything. When i go to 'Sounds and Audio Devices' on my Control Panel it says i dont have an audio device hooked up.
    Im using an Emachines-t5048
    and my speakers are from Diamond Audio Techonolgy INC/model-EMC2.0-USB
    Im not sure if its a problem with the speakers or the audio drive or sound card or any of that mumbo jumbo computer dumbo (i made up the dumbo ending funny no?)
    Playing WoW without sound is hell on earth people!<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
  • edited August 2008
    Well USB speakers have their own sound chipsets and all that I believe. Just go into your Windows Sound configuration in your control panel and go to devices. If you see your speakers there, cool. Check your playback drop-down menus and select them in the list. If not, I really don't know what to tell you.
  • edited August 2008
    nope it according to my computer i dont have any devices hooked up
  • edited August 2008
    Bad USB port? I know on my emachines T3095 my bottom front ports like to kick off once in a while.
  • edited August 2008
    my light on the speaker is on so that means the USB port is fine......
    ugh this sucks
  • edited August 2008
  • edited August 2008
    well when i unplug it from the USB the power is cut off.
    Regardless i tried it in other ports and im still having the same problem
  • edited December 2009
    well when i unplug it from the USB the power is cut off.
    Regardless i tried it in other ports and im still having the same problem

    i have same speakers but my pc is emachines E4064 but the emachines site doesnt recognise it when i search for drivers on it im running Extreme Se7en 2010 XGamer SP3 by JcBerry and CyberWarez
  • edited December 2009
  • edited July 2011
    Hello, CB. I'm having the same problem with my T3516, and I followed your instructions, but ran into an error message while attempting to load the Sigmatel Audio Driver: 'Device Object not available...(restart, etc., to no avail). Ideas? Sincerely, thank you for the generosity of your time ('A Kind Heart Isn't A Bug, It's A Feature.')
    Go here
    That will take you to the support page for your computer.
    Click the + next to 'Downloads' to show the available drivers.
    I want you to download and run:
    Intel Chipset Driver
    Sigmatel Audio Driver
    and for good measure (since you proly haven't installed a video driver yet):
    Intel Video Driver
    Restart your system after each install, and report back when you've finished with those to let us know if it helped.
  • edited July 2011
    Cyborgmonkey - Do you have the same PC as the previous poster? CB's instructions were specific to that PC. If your PC is different, your driver will come from somewhere else, which we can help you find. Just let us know what brand and model of PC you have.
  • edited July 2011
  • edited November 2011
    That shows me that it's an eMachines system. Do you know the model number? It should be written on the case somewhere, or on the paperwork.
    It would be something like 'eMachines T3626' or 'eMachines W3622'.

    How about W3507?
  • edited November 2011
    How about W3507?

    Click the link to right: http://support.emachines.com/em/driver/
    Click on Desktop.
    Click on W series (scroll down until that is visible).
    Click on W3507 (again scroll down a lot until that is visible).
    This model unfortunately has had two audio hardware setups for it. So, click the line above the driver file list that says 'Need to know the hardware on your system to get the right drivers?' and a nice little hardware analyzer utility will be offered for download.
    Download it and run it, see what it tells you about what sound hardware you have, then get back to the list of drivers and grab the right one. For instance, if the utility talks about Realtek Audio in the nice hardware list it puts out, get the Realtek driver.

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