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Bagi kalian yang penasaran dengan isi dari buku Jokowi Undercover yang bercerita bahwa Jokowi adalah keturunan. Download dan Baca Buku Jokowi Undercover Full PDF. Dec 20, 2009 Download kumpulan ebook gratis. Berikut adalah 3 seri Buku Jakarta Undercover karangan Moamar Emka. Jakarta undercover #1 (Sex n' the City). Pada akhirnya, buku Jakarta Undercover menjadi sex-guide-tour dan memberi dampak negatif ke- pada masyarakat?' Pertanyaan seperti itu, sebagian besar juga. Read 'Jakarta Undercover' by Moammar Emak with Rakuten Kobo. Prowling the seedy red-light districts, the underground club circuit and the house parties of wealthy Indonesian society.
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Preview — Jakarta Undercover 2 by Moammar Emka
(Jakarta Undercover #2)
Indonesia's top-selling author, Moammar Emka, is back with another round of unbelievable but true stories about the seedy nightlife and underground sex services of modern, hip Jakarta. Delving deep into the city's karaoke clubs, massage parlors and transit hotels, the author takes it upon himself to experience first-hand the tasty delights on offer and what exactly they in
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May 27, 2017Jap Hengky rated it liked it · review of another edition
I don't get to finish this. Clearly it's an open minded unique dark habit of Jakarta's.
May 18, 2019Merlyn rated it it was amazing
risetnya cukup lengkap dan sering berpikir, 'penulis seperti sholeh sendiri di antara teman-temannya'
What I thought to be an investigative type written reports on Jakarta's night life turned out to be more of the author's sexcapades adventures.
Jul 14, 2011Dewi Kirana rated it liked it
5 bintang buat usaha Mas Emka untuk mengungkapkan kehidupan malam Jakarta. Minus 1 bintang buat gaya penceritaan yang lebih mirip artikel majalah daripada cerita dalam sebuah novel (entah ini memang disengaja atau tidak). Dan minus 1 bintang lagi buat teknik penulisan yang menurutku masih bisa lebih 'dibersihkan' lagi, terutama dari penggunaan kata yang berulang-ulang dan typo.
Pelajaran yang aku dapet dari buku ini (selain kenyataan dunia malam Jakarta):
1. Salah satu alasan mengapa seseorang (pr...more
Aug 09, 2011Dini rated it it was ok
Dikasi ebooknya ama david. Udah lama sih, tahun 2009. Tapi baru baca tahun 2011 ini, hehe. Baca sekilas dan cukup menarik. Selain fakta seks yang mencengangkan (atau liar?) di Ibukota, ada sedikit kisah yang buat saya cukup tersentuh. Apalagi kalau bukan alasan kenapa mereka melakoni pekerjaan tersebut (atau biasa disebut ladies escort -opo itu-) dan juga para penikmat seks tersebut (para pria hyperseks atau janda kaya yang kesepian).
Yah cukup tau ajalah yaa sebagai pengetahuan.. :)
Jul 23, 2008Prantyo Rizkiyantoro rated it liked it
Actually this is not important book for me..I read this book just wanna know about the dark side of the capital city of my country..but I am not going to try all of sex story service that were told in this book..The writer in this book try to peel what kind of sex service in Jakarta have been had nowadays.
Mar 23, 2014Dyah Subagyo rated it it was ok
Lagi-lagi, salut sama Moammar Emka yang koneksinya pasti luar biasa dan melakukan risetnya dengan tekun.
Konten buku ini mirip banget dengan buku pertama. Judulnya kayaknya lebih tepat Jakarta Undercover 1.1. Bukan Jakarta Undercover 2. Cuma sedikit hal baru yang ditambahin.
Feb 12, 2009Shanti Wardaningsih rated it did not like it
Hooeek...mual perut baca buku ini
Tp bolehlah buat nambah pengetahuan ttg buruknya negeri ini,biar makin bsemangat memperbaiki moral bangsa
Jun 10, 2012Celia rated it it was ok · review of another edition
Cool...the facts that were revealed...
yang pasti sich menceritakan bagaimana kehidupan malam dikota jkt...ehiiii....ternyata suguh sangat2 mengerikan...memprihatinkan sekali ya...untk lbh jlnnya baca langsung ja ya...hehehehe
Review-nya disatuin aja dari buku satu samapi tiga x'D --->
Aug 01, 2010Hanidhani siregar added it · review of another edition

Lina Handriyani rated it really liked it
Aug 02, 2013
Arthie Kusumorini rated it did not like it
Jan 16, 2011
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Moammar Emka (lahir di Tuban, Jawa Timur, 13 Februari 1974; umur 42 tahun) dikenal sebagai penulis buku kontroversial, 'Jakarta Undercover' (Sex in The City).
Moammar Emka telah menulis puluhan buku. Namun buku tulisannya yang paling laris dan mengangkat namanya adalah 'Jakarta Undercover'. Buku ini menceritakan sisi gelap kehidupan seks 'liar' yang ada di kota Jakarta. Buku ini juga mengalami ceta...more
Jakarta Undercover(3 books)
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Preview — Jakarta Undercover by Moammar Emka
(Jakarta Undercover #1)
Prowling the seedy red-light districts, the underground club circuit and the house parties of wealthy Indonesian society, Moammar Emka offers a unique glimpse into the underbelly of modern, urban Jakarta. This is the book that took Indonesia by storm. Moammar Emka is JakartaOs answer to Carrie Bradshaw; this is OSex and the CityO Indonesian-style!
Published October 15th 2005 by Monsoon Books Pte. Ltd. (first published 2003)
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Aug 07, 2007Ken rated it did not like it
Yuck, it's disgusting. Perhaps some people find it provocating. The write knows well Jakarta's red areas and all the 'shocking' things in the sex business. But the fact that he enjoys it makes me feel like puking. Does not he understand that it is a humiliation towards women? Or does it ever cross his mind that those girls probably are the victims or human trafficking? yuck.
This book could have been such an important, awareness-creating book highlighting social issues and realities in the illicit underground scene in Jakarta. Instead, it read as a nonfiction of some man finding crazy parties, watching them as an outsider, but offering absolutely no insight. The book's writing has nothing of substance, too many unnecessary details, and some of the cheesiest chapter endings I have ever read.
Jul 08, 2007Ari rated it it was ok · review of another edition
the fact that it was a best seller, was most probably because of the sensation of sexuality sold. Revelation of jakarta's phenomenoms are quite extraordinary. However, reading this book is somehow tiresome after a while...
Dec 06, 2018Lelyana rated it liked it · review of another edition
I read this book a million years ago, still remember how scary the real Jakarta is.
Maybe just like other capital cities in the world, there's always people doing nasty things.
Considering that this is one of the best sellers in Indonesia is pretty sad. I can understand that sex sells in no matter what kind or form, or where you are in the world, but I find this book to be disgusting and demoralizing toward women.
This book consists of several chapters which are fairly short and only focus on Emka's personal experience. When I first saw the title for this and read the back I thought there was going to be more than just the sexual degradation of women. I thought there we...more
Couldn't even read it after a few meat or purpose to the book except curiosity about how the seedier side of Jakarta functions. Disgusting.
Should have been titled: Jakarta Sex Guide, without exact address and contact number. Which make you guys just drool...
May 05, 2018Hariz S. H. rated it did not like it
While I didn't read many Indonesian books, the writing style was cancerous. I think the memoirs style what made it indigestable. Or the author really can't write memoirs. Normal report would be fine, eventhough it will be thinning the book a lot.
While I think this would be good script for documentary, it really wasn't a suitable style for book. But love the statistics though. All of this really made me almost puke the grim prospect of reality of future generations.
Now I'm not sure, all the bad...more
Feb 27, 2018Sebastian Song rated it did not like it
I was recommended this title as an expose of the Jakarta night life but it was a terrible piece of work. The author can't seem to decide if he's an undercover journalist, someone who wish to narrate his sexual escapades or simply someone who is having his wildest sexual fantasies.
Sex sells, I guess.
Jan 15, 2019Varrel Vendira rated it did not like it
I was expecting that this book would tell in-depth story about Jakarta's night life. In truth, this book feels like a compilation of brothels reviews that you might found in underground online forums. If you want to know the reality of Jakarta's prostitution life in a complex understanding, this book wouldn't be the one.
Jan 30, 2018Risanita Diah Fatmala rated it it was ok
well the only reason to read the book is out of curiosity. but it was too flat and boring, for me. feel like I'm currently readig a newspaper. but most of all, I really appreciate the author —is awareness, his splendid courage; and I can't help to think how cool journalism is.
Jul 16, 2019Zakia Shafira rated it did not like it
Although this is aimed to be a report, the writing just resembles those erotic and sexual stories and fantasies on the internet. On top of that, this is an objectification of women which the author explicitly enjoys.
Jul 23, 2007Kana Haya rated it did not like it
I dont know why it became a best seller books. perhaps because of the sexuality stuff that it contains. though i dont think that the sexuality itself presented in an interesting way.
a friend of mine gave me this book. he said that this book is somehow interesting. though i cant see on which part. i'm sorry but i guess i have to say that i dont really love whats on the book.
Oct 21, 2014Kathy rated it liked it
This book is an entertaining overview of prostitution in Indonesia. However, if you're looking for pornographic details or an analysis of the lives of sex workers, this isn't the book for you. Rather, it shows the ease of accessibility and something of a menu of services and activities occurring. An interesting read.
After listened to Moammar Emka interview on local radio station one night,i bought the book the day after.It was a real new experience for me to know the truth about what really 'happened' in town.Altough,only for several first chapter i were really into.Yeah,its kinda hard to understand all the stories in this book.
Nov 10, 2011Melissa rated it it was ok · review of another edition
This was given to me by my neighbor and good friend during our time in Jakarta. Jakarta Undercover gave me a broader perspective of Jakarta's night life as the author tells several of his sensual escapades and other forbidden epicurean variety that the city offers under the cover of night. It's an interesting read but serves arguably nothing but tickle the human voyeur trait.
Oct 07, 2007Sylvia rated it it was ok
It was ok. Well, I kinda shock really, reading the first 3 chapters. But then I get bored, almost in the rest of the next chapters the author describe the 'same' thing: about sex, sex and.. well.. sex.
I still can't believe it though. But I will never find out anyway. So there.
Jul 23, 2008Prantyo Rizkiyantoro rated it liked it
In my opinion, this book does not have important matter to read, it just bombastic story to give selling point for writer..but if you interest with Jakarta's Life sex story services, this book can give you references..but my suggestion, you should have maturity first before read this book.
cant even finish this book.
the way the writer writes the stories, are highly disturbing and wrong.
though it's nice to know more bout jakarta's nightlife, but other than that, the book is not recommended to anyone. ever.
Recommended to get a glimpse of what wild life in Jakarta is like. We, especially girls, need to know what kind of 'wicked' entertainment Jakarta provides. It's somewhat boring since it gets repetitive towards the end, but the knowledge offered is worthy of your time.
Sep 04, 2007Mark rated it it was ok
'the guide' for jakarta's perverts and so-called curious freaks.
I bought this book because I did not feel like working on my laptop during my trip abroad.. and it indeed served the purpose of killing time. Nothing impressive about it.
Sep 15, 2007Sondang rated it did not like it
kayaknya dia cuma jual pengetahuannya ttg tempat dan apa-apa yg dilakukan di tmpt tsb. Gak ada gunanya baca ini.
Only different places, but absolutely the same story.
Thank God I just borrow it.
Isi Buku Jakarta Undercover
but it's true disgusting!!
(never intend to finish reading it...)
Picked up in hope of actually finding something substantial about Jarkarta's gruesome underbelly but it turned out to be cheap sex lit written in a juvenile manner. Passable
Getting bored with the stories ...
Hhmmm...I was startled while red it. Actually, Jakarta has totally affected by west culture
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Jun 28, 2007Abahsangpenyamun rated it it was ok · review of another edition
the truth is out there...
you,ll never know till you live it..
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Buku Jakarta Undercover
Moammar Emka (lahir di Tuban, Jawa Timur, 13 Februari 1974; umur 42 tahun) dikenal sebagai penulis buku kontroversial, 'Jakarta Undercover' (Sex in The City).
Moammar Emka telah menulis puluhan buku. Namun buku tulisannya yang paling laris dan mengangkat namanya adalah 'Jakarta Undercover'. Buku ini menceritakan sisi gelap kehidupan seks 'liar' yang ada di kota Jakarta. Buku ini juga mengalami ceta...more
Jakarta Undercover(3 books)