An Arranged Marriage By Jo Beverley Pdf Free

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In the tradition of Amanda Quick, New York Times bestselling author Jo Beverley has won the hearts of readers everywhere with her historical romances set in the Georgian and Regency periods. 'An Arranged Marriage' is the first of Beverley's beloved tales that began her popular 'Company of Rogues' series. Eleanor Chivenham didn't put much past her vile brother, but even she had not anticipated his greedy scheme to dupe a rich earl into mistaking h...

An Arranged Marriage By Jo Beverley Pdf Free

Jo Beverley Books List

Details An Arranged Marriage (Company of Rogues, #1)

Reviews An Arranged Marriage (Company of Rogues, #1)

An Arranged Marriage By Jo Beverley Pdf Free Download

  • OK. This was me at various points in the book…when I wasn'tHere's the basic story—maybe you'll see what I mean.Eleanor Chivenham is in a bad situation that just keeps getting worse. Before their parents died, her brother Lionel persuaded them to make him her guardian. She can't claim her inheritance unless she either marries with his consent or turns 25 without shaming herself. She's stuck in his house, with two more years on her sentence, si...
  • Reto #28 PopSugar 2019: Un libro que incluya una boda Nunca antes había leído a Jo Beverley, pero me animé gracias al Reto Rita 3.0. Al principio me costó acostumbrarme a su estilo, pero una vez que le agarras el ritmo se disfruta de una prosa ágil y muy rica en descripciones, así como en la forma que traspasa los sentimientos de sus personajes.A pesar de lo anterior, dudé mucho mi valoración para esta novela (estaba entre 2 o 3 estrellas...
  • Although Forbidden is still my favorite because I loved Frances and Serena as a couple so much (plus Francis is a virgin hero), this is an incredibly effective book. There are so many reasons why this story could have gone the wrong way for me: First and foremost, the hero commits the unthinkable for me in a romance, adultery. However, he has reasons that I could not argue with. He has been asked to cozy up to his former mistress who is actually ...
  • So I'm home sick with a terrible cold and thought to myself, self, you need to read something pleasant. Perhaps a re-read of a book you love? Nope, did that yesterday with Goddess of the Hunt. Aaah, LOVE that book. Maybe I'll try one I bought last week at the used book store. Like this one, 'An Arranged Marriage'. Sounds promising.My first inclination that this book was going to be a BIT different was the rape at the beginning. Notice I said rape...
  • Eleanor Chivenham lives in a HOUSE OF SIN. So obviously when there's a knock at her door in the middle of an orgy, she answers it to discover a surly maid with some drugged tea. Then her super-gross brother convinces the equally-drugged Christopher 'Kit' Delaney, Earl of Stainbridge to have some sex with the prostitute upstairs to prove he's not into dudes. The next day, Kit rescues Eleanor from a suicide attempt and convinces her to marry his tw...
  • What an odd, bizarre story presented in a slow measured way. Naturally the ratings veer crazily. Since I felt invested enough to see where it went so I give it an almost 3. The beginning and the basis of the h/H relationship is beyond peculiar to say the least.As the story settles into humdrum domesticity, I almost forgot the icky beginning.But then the H decides to shag the ow for the flag. Poor sod! Poor Bloody James Regency Bond! Twilight zone...
  • I cannot say how glad I am that this wasn't my first experience with Jo Beverley. What a dismal story! The interesting thing is that her general craft and characterization are okay, but the plot is a great big pile of suck that distorts every other element into the suck-pit of amazing suckitude.I mean, if you're going to have a hero that you claim is smart and a natural leader and all, then having a story where he's run ragged by a floozy for mon...
  • One of the heaviest and most brutal books I have ever read. Heroine gets raped by hero's gay brother, to prove that he's a hetero, and forced to marry hero in case of 'consequences'. And soon after their marriage, there is another scene where the hero practically rapes the heroine, because if she does get pregnant, the child could be her husband's, so they could rest easy knowing that. Ugh. I don't know how I read the story after that, but I did....
  • Horrible story. It starts off with the heroine being raped by the hero's brother, who was drugged by the heroine's vile and useless brother, after which the hero agrees to marry her for honour or something, although it's advertised to others as an elopement. The hero then spends most of the book in an affair with a French whore because he's some sort of a spy and has to have sex with her constantly in order to uncover some plot involving Napoleon...
  • 0.5This is one of those times I should have read all the damn spoilers. I could have spared myself. One can never know. I won't tell everything that happens here but I won't bother marking anything as spoiler either. Be warned. I wish I had been.I am too lazy to list all the things that are horrible in this book and I don't think it deserves more than a reminder of why I hated it. I'll just mention some of the worst.The hero cheats on his wife al...
  • This book didn't work for me on pretty much any level. The hero is so unlikable (he's cheating on his pregnant wife for most of the book. But it's all for some supposed espionage plot that he's trying to uncover, so that makes it all okay.) He is quite conceited, treats Eleanor badly and hopes she'll get over it someday. He doesn't even really make an effort to get to know her, but gives her a few presents and hopes that makes it all better. Elea...
  • Terminado, y mi opinión final es que me ha gustado bastante, pese a saber lo que ocurría. Quizás lo he disfrutado más porque iba advertida de lo que iba a ocurrir. Admito que no es una historia fácil de digerir y por eso no guste en general. A favor suyo tiene que la prosa es muy amena, fácil y rápida de leer, de Jo Beverley he leído los primeros cinco Malloren, y son algo más descriptivos y farragosos, quizás por eso pueden hacerse alg...
  • I listened to this story as a free audiobook download from my library. I thought the premise of the book was completely ludicrous, even by regency smut standards. At the beginning, the heroine is living with her brother who is a Grade A Pervert of the highest class. He throws wild, drinking parties where men and women canoodle under the influence of alcohol and touch each other in bad places. Eleanor doesn’t approve of the goings-on and knows t...
  • I'd give minus points if I could. Considering this first book in Beverley's Rogues series was actually the third she wrote for it, it's all the worse - badly (under)written, badly plotted, badly executed. Pushed into 350 pages by an author who has no shame in rushing through the most dramatic storylines by telling rather than showing anything about her paper-thin characters, and not even including (because seemingly not knowing) any historical de...
  • Trying to tidy up my TBR list, I decided to tackle some books that have been there for a while. I should have known better, damn me. If there were minus point for a book I would probably award them to this book. It's not one of the hateful or hideous one. But you really wonder how it could win any prize. The hate for the heroine and her total lack of worth is all mine, but there's no way to deny that this book is all over the place. It has an inc...
  • Don't Hate... :DNot sure about this one yet. I am a big fan of arranged marriage books, not sure why! This one did have some aspects that I liked and some that I really didn't. The part I hated the most was the fact that he had to be a Man-Ho for the government. What was that?? That just made me feel weird and didn't start me off with a good vibe for the whole relationship. I think I would've liked the book a lot more without that whole thing in ...
  • An Arranged Marriage sounded like something I would like - a couple struggling to find common bonds . This was not exactly the case with this book, however. The characters were not that likable and the situations they find themselves in are pretty off putting. However I did read the whole book and did find points of interest here and there.
  • I feel like I've been violated. Ms. Beverley has ignored a very basic tenet of romance writing. Readers are supposed to believe that 'love has conquered all' and that these two people have found a 'once in a lifetime love.' Isn't that why we buy a romance? But what we got was rape, adultery, and abandonment. This book doesn't deserve to be called a romance.
  • I know it is hard to like this book because of the unusual plots. It rubs people the wrong way and I can well imagine why it pushes people's boundaries just a tad too much. My problem with the book however, was not with the rape or the infidelity. I think it is a book with good writing but poor plot development and characterization. As I read on I actually appreciate Jo Beverley's writing. But writing about such explosive plots, the book is shock...
  • I'm glad I picked up a couple of the later books in this series before I read this one, because had I read this one first, I'm not sure I would have read further. As it is, I got two in from the library at the same time and will quickly move on, beliving that 'An Arrnged Marriage' is a fluke. I've enjoyed other books by Jo Beverley as well, so I know I often like her stuff. This one, was off from the start. Eleanor's reprobate of a br...
  • Jo Beverly - “An Arranged Marriage”(Audiobook: Narrated by Jill Tanner: Reader rating = 2* (very little voice change between characters, men sound like women!)(Review at the “I’m currently reading . . . “ thread (Amazon Romance Forum) that Dina had copied to Goodreads (I didn’t even know it at the time! Handy though -- saves me a lot of work that I probably would not have done. ;) From K. @ Ami: 'I spent all night working and 'torturi...
  • This review is of “An Arranged Marriage”, book #1 in “The Company of Rogues” series by Jo Beverley.The book begins with the heroine of the book, Eleanor Chivenham, hiding in her room. Eleanor lives with her brother, Lionel, though not by choice. (After their father passed, his will left Eleanor under Lionel’s “protection” until she either turns 25-she is 23 when the book begins-or marries.) Lionel is a debauched reprobate, and for h...
  • I would rate this book above the 3 star, but not quiet a 4. The premise of this book really interested me. It is the story of a man caught in a situation in which his loyalty to country demands he 'cross a line' for that cause, and as a consequence, betray a relationship which with this start, seems doomed to fail. Nicholas, a gentleman with wanderlust yet deep loyalties for his long time 'company of rogues', an abiding commitment to justice and ...
  • In this start of her Rogue series, our regency hero marries the woman his brother raped out of noblesse oblige and falls for her but he is also a spy and has been ordered to sleep with an eeeeeeeeeeeeevil Frenchwoman (for England!!!) to get info out of her. My advice to heroine would be to get an STD panel asap. Sounds insane yet I love it and it's oddly not particularly melodramatic. Actually, it is such an utter delight. I think it's going to b...
  • Complicated. Controversial. Commendable. Complex.These four words summarize An Arranged Marriage and yet still don't do this book justice. Eleanor is a heroine tempered by the fires of all she endures. She suffers various atrocities and is a true survivor. Yet she never stumbles into bitterness or self-righteous ingratitude. Her trials forge her strong character into something more. She is no saint and she knows it, and by the end of this novel, ...
  • Eleanor was such a doormat! I can't stand when the heroine is put through hell in a basket and they never so much as say boo about it. She put up a token resistance at the end but ultimately she was willing to do anything for any little crumb of Nicholas' affection.
  • In some ways this was a strange re-read for me. Keep in mind the first time I read this book I was in high school/college somewhere…aka it’s been over 10 years. I remember loving this series and the entire Company of Rogues. Other than that thought I remember little to nothing about this series, thus my excitement to read this one again. Now I’m left in something of a quandary. I enjoyed my read well enough, the story does flow along, but t...
  • *MAJOR SPOILERS* The reviews on this book are proof that readers have completely different tastes in their 'romance' novels. Note the parentheses around the word 'romance.' I, for one, didn't consider this book to be about romance.To anyone thinking about reading this book, please be aware that the main characters, Eleanor Chivenham and Nicholas Delaney, enter into an arranged marriage because Nicholas' twin, Christopher Delaney, the Earl of Stai...
  • The title of this book was what drew me to it (I’m a sucker for ‘marriage of convenience’ plots). Then, there was the fact that I’ve read a few Jo Beverley novels which I thought pretty readable. An Arranged Marriage starts off dark and sleazy. Eleanor is orphaned and dependent upon her vile brother Lionel (to whom she will forfeit all her inheritance if she either marries, or leaves his household before she’s twenty-five, still a long ...

Jo Beverley Written Works

Read An Arranged Marriage (The Company of Rogues Series, Book 1) by Jo Beverley by Jo Beverley for free with a 30 day free trial. Read eBook on the web, iPad, iPhone and Android. An Arranged Marriage By Jo Beverley Pdf File. All high quality mobile ebooks are available for free. The characters of the syllabary were all arranged and.

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